How it works

Data privacy
The privacy of your data is very important to us. In order to ensure that your request and the associated data are only accessible to you, we ask you to verify your cell phone number in a first step.
Choose a dermatologist
You decide who should look at your skin problem online. Choose a dermatologist from our medical network.
Describe the symptoms and upload photos of the skin problem
Answer questions about your skin problem and take three photos of the affected area (one overview photo and two close-ups from different angles). This information is very important in order for the dermatologist to make an assessment.
Get a specialist diagnosis
Within a short time (usually in 7 hours, maximum in 48 hours) you will receive our specialist diagnosis and a specific recommendation on what you can do about your skin problem.
About the doctor
Benvenuti alla mia consulenza digitale. Sarò lieto di fornirvi una consulenza online, sulla base di alcune domande e delle foto del vostro problema cutaneo.
Non avete tempo di visitare un medico o non riuscite a prendere un appuntamento? Il vostro problema di pelle è diventato acuto?
Utilizzate OnlineDoctor per un rapido consulto sul vostro problema di pelle!
Entro 48 ore riceverete la mia diagnosi specialistica e raccomandazione su come agire - garantito!"
Attendo con ansia le vostre richieste!
Studio Medico Emmenegger
Dr. med. Christina Emmenegger
Via Lugano 16 World Trade Center, Blocco 3
6982 Agno-Lugano